Author guidelines
Quality – Access to Success journal receives articles (by e-mail at the following address:, from all economic fields according to the topic of the journal – management systems – and the profile of the readers – people responsible or interested in implementing or improving a management system or integrate multiple management systems into one, but also in increasing of organizational performance with focus on quality, in increasing of customer satisfaction, following the way to total quality management, to excellence in business, to quality awards. Citations in other journals will be performed only with the English name of the journal, Quality-Access to Success, because in databases it is indexed only the English version of the journal.
Articles may deal with theoretical studies, case studies and original research that have not been published or submitted for publication in another publication. The originality of the paper is the sole responsibility of the author.
The process of evaluating an article takes 1 month. The publication of an article is made after about 1 year after acceptance.
Publication fee is 400 USD for papers with 1-2 authors, 450 USD for papers with 3-4 authors and 500 USD for papers with 5-6 authors (Depending on the size of the article and the difficulty of editing, the fee may be increased by EUR 100); it must be paid only after peer review and after the article has been accepted for publication. The authors will receive the article in PDF format by email.
The delivery of a printed copy of the journal to the address indicated by the author costs 50 EUR.
Articles submitted for publication (in word and pdf format) must be written in English and have the following content:
Paper Title
Paper Authors
Maximum number of authors: 6
Name SURNAME (author 1,2,3,4,5,6) (ex. John DOE)
position/title (professor, associate professor, assistant professor, teaching assistant, junior teaching assistant / PhD. or Ph.D. student), "........" University, City, Country, e-mail
*Corresponding author: Adress, e-mail
Paper Abstract
Abstract, which should not exceed 250 words, will contain brief but sufficient information about the article, highlighting the originality of the approach in question.
Select four to seven keywords (words or expressions) that capture the essence of your paper. List the words in decreasing order of importance.
The function of the Introduction is to establish the context of the paper. This is accomplished by discussing the relevant primary research literature (with quotations) and summarizing current understanding of the problem you are investigating.
Paper Body
- Articles will be written with accents, Times New Roman, size 12, in Word format with the extension doc or docx.
- Schemes and tables will be built into Word, black and white, grouped.
- Photos (black and white) will be sent in jpg format at 300dpi resolution, the appropriate size.
- Work will be organized using numbered titles and subtitles to emphasize important ideas in the content.
- Abbreviations and acronyms will be explained at the first time appearing in the body text.
A conclusion section is required. Conclusions may review the main points of the paper, do not replicate the abstract as the conclusion. A conclusion might elaborate on the importance of the work or suggest applications and extensions of the research.
Necessarily be written in English and includes only sources cited in the text, in Harvard style
Journal papers: Names and initials of authors; year (between brackets); full title of the paper; journal abbreviated in accordance with international practice (italic); volume and number (issue); first and last page numbers.
Books: Names and initials of authors; year; Book title (italic); Publisher, Place. Symposium volumes: Names and initials of authors; year; article title; symposium abbreviated (italic); volume number; first and last page numbers; Publishers/Co-ordinaters; place.
The references in the text will be done in the form (name authors, year of publication). When the number of authors exceeds the number 3, it is written (first author name et al., year of publication).
Cover Letter
The submission of a manuscript must be accompanied by the author's covering letter where to state:
- that it has not been copyrighted or published elsewhere;
- that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere;
- that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any;
- after being accepted by Quality-Access to Success journal, it will not be published in another journal;
The cover letter must also contain the agreement of all authors to the journal's policies in the field of publishing ethics.
For the smooth running of the editing process (from the receipt of the manuscript to the publication), the correspondence between authors and the journal's collective regarding the status of the manuscript will be done promptly. If the response from the authors is delayed more than 30 days, the manuscript will not be considered for publication or, if the article has already been accepted for publication and the publication fee has been paid, the article will be reprogrammed.